My ill-advised endeavor to watch the top 200 horror movies of all time, plus 100 additions, in order to determine a definitive (read: completely subjective) Top 100 continues.

In Ingmar Bergman’s classic, widely considered one of the best films of all time, Alma Borg (Liv Ullmann) recounts the events leading up to the mysterious disappearance of her husband, the artist Johan Borg (Max von Sydow).

Themes of insanity, violence, gender, and sexuality permeate this experimental work that many believe to be Bergman’s accounting of his own mental disintegration. Told in a breathless, claustrophobic style which incorporates vampire and werewolf mythology, Swedish folklore, and psychological theory in a mishmash that I have the smarts to untangle but not the degrees to elucidate more clearly than countless others already have. I’m gonna leave this one to the experts. You should watch it though; it’s truly fantastic.